
大田 實(おおた みのる、1891年(明治24年)4月7日 – 1945年(昭和20年)6月13日)は、日本の海軍軍人。最終階級は海軍中将。千葉県長生郡長柄町出身。


If the enemy comes, the old child will be killed, and since the woman will be taken away to the enemy’s territory and put on the poisonous thing, I will decide to separate and live away my daughter at the military gate There are also parents.


Nurses continue to nurse seriously injured people who can not depend on who the sanitary left behind during the movement of the military. That situation is very serious and I do not believe it was a very temporary feeling.
Furthermore, when the strategy of the military changes drastically, they are ordered to relocate to a distant place far away within that night, people without transport means are walking in the rain without complaints .
In the end, despite consistent efforts for labor service and goods conservation all the time since the naval forces in and out of Okinawa, just as a Japanese while unconsciously holding the thoughts of the loyalty, (unreadable part) can’t finally giving(unreadable part) Okinawa Island together with the outcome of this battle and destiny together, it will become a scorched soy that no one plants will remain .


It is said that food is already in full condition only in June.
The Okinawa citizens fought in this way.
I would like you to give the prefectural people special consideration, this day forward”.





生誕 1891年4月7日
日本 千葉県長生郡長柄町
死没 1945年6月13日 (54歳没)
日本 沖縄県島尻郡豊見城村(現豊見城市)
所属組織 大日本帝国海軍
軍歴 1913年 – 1945年
最終階級 海軍中将
